Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) is a condition whereby vision-impaired people begin to see things that others do not see but they have insight into the unreality of such 'seen' imagery. That is, the CBS-affected person's mind typically remains sound.
For someone living with CBS, they have their (i) vision-impaired perception of the world (eg. perhaps out of focus, lacking colour or detail, or certain regions of one's field of vision simply cannot be seen) together with (ii) spontaneously appearing images or visions, which blend into their vision impaired world. Sometimes the fit of the CBS images to their everyday usual perception is normal and believable; other times they seem strange and incongruous.
The Charles Bonnet syndrome Foundation endeavours to draw attention to this much neglected condition. Please feel free to share your own experiences with us. For example, if you feel your CBS experiences have not been even remotely captured by our CBS depictions page, feel free to share with us your personal (perceptual) experiences. It is by lifting the veil of secrecy (such as by sharing personal CBS stories) that the condition can become better understood.