CBS Defined

A vision-impaired
person of sound mind experiences
phantom images (visions) in
their visual field.

National helpline
1300 121 123

Dr Dominic ffytcheThe Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation (CBSF) is very fortunate to have arguably the world’s leading authority on CBS, Dr Dominic ffytche of London, as our Patron.

Working at the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College, Dr ffytche specialises in perceptual disorders of the aged. He has been published in many academic journals over the past two decades. His research into the neuronal (brain) activity of CBS-affected individuals (as they encounter phantom images) is at the cutting edge of modern neuroscience. It is this work that is actually providing insights not only into the nature of CBS but also human perception per se.

Dr ffytche and his team won a major funding grant for a five year study into the visual hallucinations of the vision impaired, those experiencing dementia and Parkinson’s disease. The study explored whether there are differences in the clinical profiles of each of these three groups and how this may have implications for how we manage (and treat) these conditions.

Results from this longitudinal study are anticipated sometime in the near future.