Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation (CBSF)
Mission statement
The Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation is dedicated to:
- Assist people affected by Charles Bonnet Syndrome (including significant others)
- Educate the general public about this condition
- Educate health care practitioners of its clinical profile
- Research the cause/s, prevention and treatment of Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
- To serve a significant (but largely neglected) sub-group within the vision-impaired community.
- To assist those living with CBS to manage their symptoms more effectively (so it does not overly impact upon the quality of their life).
- To remove the veil of secrecy, misunderstanding and stigma that is associated with the condition.
- To offer emotional support, reassurance, information provision, case management and practical assistance to those living with CBS (and their significant others).
- To raise public awareness about CBS within the general community.
- That CBS will become more familiar in everyday common language like Macular Degeneration and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
- To raise the clinical profile of the condition within the health and welfare sectors in order to improve service provision (eg. enhanced diagnostic awareness and linkage to appropriate supports).
- To avoid misdiagnoses and inappropriate pharmacological treatments by the medical and allied health communities.
- To advocate for greater recognition of this condition in the health domain and for resources to be allocated accordingly.
- To channel a proportion of donated or raised monies into scientific/empirical research to further an understanding of the cause/s, clinical profile, prevention and possible treatment/s of CBS.
Services offered
The Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation offers the following services:
- Telephone support help line (Monday to Friday, 12 noon - 5pm)
- Face to face support group in Melbourne (others may follow in regional parts)
- Tele-conference support group (Australia wide for people who are isolated or house bound)
- Tele-web services (eg. forum, Skype support service).
- Case management (metropolitan Melbourne)
- Presentations to academic, clinical and community groups.
- Information brochures (English, Large Print, Audio description, Braille, NESB).
- To allocate a proportion of donations and funds to further CBS research.