CBS Defined

A vision-impaired
person of sound mind experiences
phantom images (visions) in
their visual field.

National helpline
1300 121 123

Cecil Riley

UK artist, Cecil Riley, in later life lived with both macular degeneration and CBS.

Cecil Riley Image 1Cecil Riley Image 2Cecil (1917 - 2015) spent much of the second half of his life in Penzance, Cornwall (South-West England) overlooking the sea. Despite Cecil experiencing significant vision loss in later life, he continued to paint. On top of his vision impairment, he also began to experience phantom visions of eyes, geometric patterns and gargoyle faces. He stated that he felt a mixture of intrigue and anxiety towards these Bonnet images. 

Cecil opted to explore his phantom visions through artistic expression. This culminated in Cecil's works being included in a special art exhibition in Oxford, London (March, 2013) entitled Affecting perception: Art & Neuroscience. Mr. Riley claimed that channelling energy into this medium helped him better manage his Bonnet syndrome. For more details:


Hailey Yuk

Korean artist, Hailey Yuk, lives with congenital cataracts in one eye and glaucoma in both. At age 25, she began to experience CBS. Initially the phantom images were of elementary forms such as light flashes, horizontal lines and wispy smoke. As time passed, the images evolved to text: English, Korean and Chinese (even though she cannot read the Chinese script). Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.