CBS Defined

A vision-impaired
person of sound mind experiences
phantom images (visions) in
their visual field.

National helpline
1300 121 123

A five year longitudinal study of people living with CBS has recently begun in London.  At King's College Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), there will be a systematic study of people experiencing visual hallucinations from three sources:  Charles Bonnet syndrome (eye disease), Parkinson's disease and dementia. 

The intention is that by the conclusion of the 5 year study in 2017, a clear clinical profile will emerge for each condition.  Further, that a comprehensive set of guidelines for the treatment and management of each of these 3 conditions will be supplied. These intend to be available for both clinicians and the public/clients.

Dr Dominic ffytche, a senior researcher at the IoP, will oversee the study after being awarded a research grant of close to 2 million British pounds (~A$3.3 million) to better inform clinical practice in managing and treating visual hallucinations.   

The CBS Foundation will be given progress accounts of the study from Dr ffytche in due course.