![Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation (Australia)](/images/headers/cbsf_logo.jpg)
A recent study published in The Lancet has indicated that global blindness is set to treble by 2050. This is largely due to the growth and ageing of the world's population.
In the most comprehensive collection of eye health data to date, Professor Rupert Bourne (UK) and fellow international researchers have developed a Global Vision Database. From this database, the study has projected that global blindness will rise from 36 million (2015) to 115 million in 2050. Further, moderate to severe vision loss was forecast to swell from 216 million (2015) to 587 million in 2050. These figures have implications for Charles Bonnet syndrome.
Given there is a known association between significant vision loss and CBS risk, then it is reasonable to suggest that such anticipated rises will correlate with an increase in CBS numbers in the coming decades. This stark prediction further emphasises the need for medical and health care professionals to be increasingly aware of, and vigilant to, the possibility of CBS in their patients.
Routine screening of CBS in patients is crucial to ensure: (i) early detection of the condition, (ii) accurate information is promptly shared, (iii) associated fears are quickly allayed and (iv) relevant supports are initiated for those affected.
Bourne, RA et al (2017). Magnitude, temporal trends, and projections of the global prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Published online August 2, 2017. To view study, click here.
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